Lose Belly Fat Fast – For Beginners

Lose Belly Fat Fast
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In this article, we’re going to talk about how to burn belly fat step-by-step. Now, in other articles, I talk about specific parts of weight loss. In this article, we’re going to put everything together, okay? There’s really three basic sections, the basics of what to do, things to add that speed up weight loss and things to avoid to speed up weight loss.

How Many Meals Should I Eat

So, let’s talk about the basics first, and some of this might just be repetitive, but if you’ve never read an article from me, this will be very helpful, so definitely take notes. Let’s start with the basics. You should eat two to three meals a day. You can start off with three meals and work your way down to two. You don’t want to graze all day because every time you eat, you spike the hormone that prevents weight loss, which is called insulin, so eating in general will stimulate that, so we want the maximum three meals a day, minimum two meals a day. Some people go to two, and I’ll get more into that when we get into this next part right here, which is no snacking.

When you have six meals a day or five meals a day and they’re small, and they’re spread out, or you’re snacking between meals, you’re going to spike insulin. We don’t want to do that because that’s going to create a big problem for you. So, moving away from snacking is very important. It’s called intermittent fasting. Now, right here, I suggest you start with three meals and then do that for a while, get into ketosis or fat burning, and then go to two meals if you can, unless you can’t do it because you’re working out hard and you need three meals a day. I’d say it’s 50/50, if you’re sedentary you can get by with two meals a day, and you will lose some serious weight in your midsection. Insulin is the hormone that is responsible for the midsection weight, So, three meals a day with no snacking.

Protein and Vegetables

As far as protein, three to six ounces based on your size, your stress level, you’re going to eat a little more protein. You don’t want to consume too much because too much protein will stimulate insulin. Three to six ounces per meal. Now, if you’re not hungry for protein, let’s say for dinner, then don’t eat it, but this is kind of an average. Now, next one, seven cups of veggies, why? Because we need to flush out all this fat that’s going to be coming out through your liver. All the fat through the body has to go through the liver and if you don’t consume enough vegetables, you can end up with a fatty liver. Plus vegetables give us the potassium we need, we need about 4700 milligrams, that’s a lot. So that’s about 7 to 10 cups, very few people do that, but you want to consume the vegetable first and have a huge salad and then a small out of protein.

Absolutely No Sugar 

Now, next one is no sugar. This is a given because sugar increases insulin and also I’m talking about the hidden sugars, the breads, pastas, cereal, crackers, biscuits, waffles, pancakes, muffins, alcohol. So we want to cut the sugar and refined carbs out. Next one, healthy fats. This is essential because when you consume fat at the end of the meal, that allows you to go to the next meal without being so hungry and craving and starving, that your blood sugars crash. This basically allows you to do three meals, or two meals, without being hungry, thereby not increasing insulin. Fat is one of the only things that does not increase insulin, it’s neutral so this is safe, if you’re worried about calories, I put some links down below. Okay, these are the basics.

Speed Up Belly Fat Burning

Now, if we want to speed things up, we can add some MCT’s to the diet, that’s like in coconut oil. Medium change triglycerides, that will increase fat burning. Next one is potassium, why? Because at the heart of weight loss, we want to avoid insulin and so most people that can’t lose weight have too much insulin. They have insulin resistance, so we want to fix that. Potassium is one of the ways to do that. You can consume all these vegetables or even take it in some supplement, potassium citrate, to actually heal the aberration or dysfunction of insulin. Next thing is apple cider vinegar, why? Because the acid in apple cider vinegar, called acidic acid, does improve the output of insulin, it reduces insulin, it improves insulin resistance and lowers your blood sugars. So it’s very good for diabetics and take this one in the morning, one teaspoon with a glass of water and one before bed or with your dinner if you have digestive issues, very important. Chromium. Again, you can find a supplement with chromium to help your blood sugars. Chromium is a mineral that actually has been proven to help insulin, again keep in check.

B vitamins, another key thing, especially vitamin B1, for regulating insulin control and improving insulin resistance. Nutritional yeast is your go-to. Next one is high intensity interval training, if you add high intensity full body resistance training, you’re going to spike growth hormone, and you’re going to speed up weight loss. The key is short bursts of high intensity, lots of rest. Again, I’ll put some videos down below to get specifics on that, but this is one is the icing on the cake. Next one is more sleep. Adding more sleep, why? Because growth hormone is triggered when you’re sleeping and that is the primary hormone that stimulates fat burning, so more sleep. So if you can just take a nap, sleep-in longer, get an extra hour of sleep, that goes a long way. That’s more important than high intensity interval training, sleep is the key.

Training and Sleep Issues

Now, next one is recovering. Making sure that if you are doing high intensity interval training that you’re recovering after. You’re not doing it everyday, some people need to do it every other day, some people every third day, some people once a week, depending on how you feel when you working out. If you’re feeling broken down, then you’re over-training. So recovery is essential if you’re exercising. Now let’s take a look at what you need to remove. This is just as important as this. Remove any type of sleeping issues, insomnia, vital. Why? Because you’re not going to lose weight if you’re not sleeping. I put a video down below of what to do if you’re not sleeping. There’s a lot of things you can do, it’s mainly stress. Bloating, if you’re bloating, let’s say you’re consuming too much kale or too much calciferous vegetables that you’re not used to consuming and then you’re bloating. That is going to slow down weight loss, so you’re going to have to go back to the vegetables that you can digest and maybe even steam some until the bloating goes away. Also, people consume too many nuts, that can create bloating. Again, we want to eliminate anything that bloats you. Sometimes adding more apple cider vinegar or an acidifier for the stomach will help it or even a salt. I’ll put some links down below for bloating. Menstrual cycle issues.

If you’re cycle is two weeks out of the month, you’re not going to lose weight because the high levels of estrogen. Estrogen blocks the thyroid, estrogen creates fat on the hips and the thighs and we need to handle this cycle so it’s really smooth. Again, I put a link down below of what to do for that. This is kind of like a little bit of an assessment for you to see what areas you have problems with. Some of these don’t apply. Stress. Mainly, you want to get a list of all the people you know that stress you out and avoid them for a while, you want to avoid the news, you want to avoid stressful situations, you want to do certain activities. I recommend an acupressure for your body to pull stress out. You want to do everything you can do to enhance the reduction of stress because cortisol is triggered and cortisol will stop your weight loss. So, I will put some links down below.


MSG. What is that? Mono-sodium glutamate, that’s in a lot of foods. Start looking at the labels, it’s in even cottage cheese, unless it’s organic, it’s in all the fast food restaurants, I mean all their foods. It’s in Chinese foods but it’s hidden as modified food starch. Again, I’ll put a video down there, very important. Restaurant foods. You don’t know what you’re getting, it’s a crap shoot. There’s so many things that they put in that food that you have no idea and primarily, hidden sugars, MSG to make it taste better, but inevitably people go out to dinner way too much and that is what’s keeping them from losing weight. Not to mention, what do they bring you? They bring you bread, they bring you dessert, they bring you alcohol. So it’s really difficult to do this when you’re going to restaurants.

No Over-training

Next one is avoid over-training. If you’re in a boot camp or you’re working out too hard and you’re not recovering and you’re not sleeping, you’re not going to lose weight. You’re going to lose muscle mass. So, this is very, very important, especially when you start out because you’re not used it. Last thing is constipation. I have people that don’t even go, maybe they go once a week or once every two weeks, that is a serious constipation problem and that is going to stop your weight loss. Again, I have a lot of videos on getting to the root cause of that. I’ll put them down below. So, I just kind of summarized all the things that you need to look at in order to lose your stomach.

I hope you enjoyed the lose belly fat fast tips that I have provided in this article and I hope this motivates you to choose a fitter lifestyle. Please share this article and continue to visit us at: www.getfitwithtoddric.com for more valuable content.

Toddric FYB Fit

Forgive Your Body Fitness

“A Fit Body Begins With Forgiveness”

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